
In The News: Racism on a Store Recepit

This story broke a little before Christmas but the appallingness of it all is still pretty overwhelming to me. a young man went to "Journey's" (shoe store) in Kansas City , MO. He bought a pair of shoes and then saw an identical pair at a different store for less. As such, he bought the identical shoes from the cheaper store and took back the original more pricey pair to Journey's. Later on that night, as he was reviewing the receipt, he noticed that the reason for the return was "Dumb N*gger". When he took the receipt back to the store, they didn't even apologize but did admit that the "reason" was in the system and that it was a generic response the cashier chose from a list of options.
In light of all this talk about change with the impending Obama Inaguration, am I naive enough to think that this type of foolishness will be less of a likelihood since now one of "us" runs this country? I hope that incidents like this dont give other ignorant people amunition to showcase their ignorance when all people really want is a change...on all fronts. Racism is indeed still alive folks. That's just the sad truth!

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