
Foolishness in the News: Dude is Taking Dead-Beat Dad to A New Level

And in the most foolish news I've heard in a while, this dude (22 yr old Danny Platt) pictured here murdered his 2 year old over $4000 in back child support that was owed. He turned himself in after telling police the child had been abducted by 3 dudes with dreadlocks and AK-47's.

Platt had been quoted saying that he "would kill either his wife or his child before he paid child support,” which he recently had been ordered to do, Sgt Riley said. [source: sky news]

This whole story saddens me deeply. To the triflin men out there would would rather do life in prison than give the mother of your seed a few dollars to live on -- go get some business!! And that's on the real. Let's make a better name for ourselves Black folks and show the world that were not just baby making machines and killers ( and whatever other stereotypes out there) . And if we do make babies, men lets step up. To those of you who have stepped up -- kudos and claps to you. Im SMH @ the whole situation....
Enough of this foolishness -- moving on. People, I ask you.... Your thoughts??

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