

Before we even get into the video let me just say.....What the heck?? A Blaque reality show....

My shock and appall aside, folk seem to be for real checkin' for this show, 'Blaque in the House' to premiere. I, for one, am certainly not one of those folks. Now, don't get me wrong, I loved me some 808 and that joint that had on the Honey soundtrack, but in no way am I interested in seeing them in a reality show.

Clearly, we all know this is a marketing ploy to promote the album which seems to be a sure fire way for increased sales ( go ask Key Lo Lo), but I'm just saying. Watch the preview and tell me does t his not look like a bad episode of College Hill laced with a few celebrity cameos??

Somebody pray for those children...

Check the vid

2 flavorful rants:

Karen said...

Okay, here's my opinion: I want to see it! If Keisha Cole, New York, Flava Flav, and B2K can have a show, why not these girls who have sold millions of records? I mean, let's get real. From what I understand, the girls pretty much left the industry to take time out to recover from Left-Eye's death. It's not like they just fell off and couldn't sell records. It was by choice to leave the industry. Now, obviously, they're back to explain what people don't know. What ever producer decided to do this show, I can almost guarantee he or she knows that money will be made. I'm watching!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching too. Blaque inspired many young girls when they first came out. They're beautiful, they made hits before and I definetly look forward to their new album. I know Left Eye would want them to stay focused and continue doing what they love. Haters get ready to bask in their glow!!!


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